Glazing is not included 6 Week Class prices or Studio Use.
You are welcome to use our kiln for biqueing or glazing your pieces. We do need to know what clay body you've used in order to have it in the kiln and do not allow clay that you've made yourself. Below you'll find pricing.
- If you buy clay from Fort Wayne Clay, our supply store, bisque firing is included in the price.
- If you buy your clay elsewhere, it's $.50/ pound. Please make sure to weigh your pieces BEFORE putting them on the bisque shelf.
- You MUST communicate what clay body you're using. A picture of the box is fine.
- If your pots are not dry, we will not put them in the kiln. They may wait an extra week to be fired to reduce the risk of them blowing up. Please factor this into your timing.
- Please fill out this Google form every time you bring pots in to bisque. This helps us know what's in the studio.
- Payment is required before putting your pots on the shelf.
Glaze Firing
- We glaze fire to Cone 6. Check your glazes. If your glaze has a '0' before the number it cannot go into our glaze kiln.
- Pricing for glazed pieces is also by the pound.
- If you use Capriglione Creations glazes (which you're welcome to), it's full price. If you use your own glaze, it's half price. Prices are listed here.
- Need to come in to glaze pieces? Sign up for Studio Use by the Hour or a 1-Day Studio Pass (best if in studio longer than 3 hours)
- Fill out this Google Form every time you drop off pieces to glaze. That way we know what's in the studio.
- Payment is required before putting your pieces on the shelf.
- Please pick up your pots within 2 weeks. We don't have a ton of extra room. Please be considerate.
- If we discover you consistently 'forget' to pay, you will be asked to leave the studio.
- We try to have at least one glaze kiln and one bisque kiln run each week. If the kiln is not full, we will not run it.
- If you have pots that are a priority (you have a show coming up, etc) let us know. We cannot guarantee they'll be finished, but we try to give them preference in the firing schedule.
- Capriglione Creations Studio is not responsible for any damage to your person or to your pots. We try to care for your pieces the same way we would our own.
- If you hear us say 'Wow, that's a little heavy' we are saying it to remind you that thick pots blow up.
- If you hear us say 'That glaze is REALLY drippy' we're scared it's going to ruin kiln shelves, which costs money, which ups what we have to charge people for usage.
- If your pots ruin a kiln shelf, there will be a $50 replacement cost due when you pick up your pots. If you're concerned your glaze may drip, make a throw-away piece of clay to put under it (called a biscuit).
- Please be considerate. We love to teach and encourage at the Studio. We expect everyone who walks in the doors to do the same.
- Owner retains right to refuse to fire pieces if instructions are not followed. Failure to follow instructions can cause damage to the kiln, kiln furniture, and the participants and others’ pieces.
Studio is located at Georgetown
Fort Wayne Clay 6742 E State Blvd